Tuesday, January 10, 2017

What Being a College Admissions Counselor Taught Me About Effective Evangelism

I love my job. No, it’s not a job that will ever make me rich, and I highly doubt that it is a job I will do for the rest of my life, but I honestly love it anyway. You see, I am an admissions counselor at Bryan College, a small Christian College just north of Chattanooga, Tennessee. I spend my days recruiting and helping high schoolers walk through the intimidating application process and hopefully convincing them that Bryan College is the place they want to attend for the next four years of their lives.  I love my job because I get to persuade people to attend the school where I spent the four best and most formative years of my life, and hopefully the place where they will have the same experience.

Now I have only been an admissions counselor for about three months, but I didn’t have the job long before I realized that the desire I have to tell others about Bryan College and what an incredible place it was for me and my family (my parents are also BC Grads), is exactly like what our desire to share the gospel should be. The more I meditated on that thought, the more I realized how many lessons I was inadvertently learning about effective evangelism just from being an admissions counselor!

My job is to persuade as many students as I can that Bryan College is the best place for them to spend their undergrad education. Our job as Christians is detailed in the Great Commission, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15, NIV). We are supposed to spread the gospel (literally the good news), to all the world!

Just as in college admissions, some methods of evangelism are more effective than others.  As I have mulled over this parallel for a few months, I have managed to glean a few helpful tips for more effective evangelism that I would like to share with you below.